Baked Camembert Recipe

Recipe for the perfect baked Camembert! super quick and easy to make and will have everybody reaching for more. This version has a touch of honey, rosemary, and chilli - your guests will love how it livens it up!

Prep Time: 5 Min

Cook Time: 15 Min

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 1 Camembert


  • Camembert - 1

  • Onion - 1

  • Honey - 1 tsp

  • Dried or fresh rosemary - 2 tsp

  • Dried chilli - a pinch

  • Cumin seeds (or ground Cumin) - a pinch

  • Olive oil

  • seasoning

Serve with

  • Sourdough or other bread

  • nuts (toasted) - a small handful

  • dried fruit - a small handful


Baked Camembert Step One - Onion Reduction

Pre-heat the oven to 200°C fan (392°F).

Thinly slice the onion and add to a pan with 1 tsp of the dried (or chopped fresh) rosemary and a little oil. Cook over a very low heat for around 20-25 minutes until they take on lots of brown colour but haven’t burnt. ti

You can move onto the next step whilst the onions are cooking.


Baked Camembert Step Two - Say Cheese!

Remove the plastic packaging from the Camembert but return it to the box.

Using a sharp knife, make some deep scores in the top of the cheese (this will allow the crust to go more crispy and let the cheese bubble through).

On the top of the cheese mix on 1 tsp of olive oil and 1 tsp hone. Then sprinkle over 1 tsp of the rosemary, the dried chilli, cumin seeds, and a little seasoning.

Place uncovered in the oven for 15-17 minutes Whilst this is cooking you can toast your bread.


Baked Camembert STEP Three - Baked Camembert

Once the Camembert has finished cooking (it should have gone golden brown on top), remove from the oven and top with some of the onions (keep the rest in reserve as you can keep topping the cheese up with more as you’re eating it).

Serve with the toasted bread, nuts, and dried fruit.

And that’s it, hope you enjoy!