Whether you’ve got some leftover bananas to use or just really love banana bread (also known as banana cake or banana loaf) - this is the perfect banana bread recipe! Quick and easy to make, it’s got a great texture and amazing banana taste! For the most amazing banana bread, this is the perfect recipe and will have people reaching for more!

Banana Bread Recipe

Prep Time: 30 Mins

Cook Time: 60 Mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 1 Loaf Tin Sized Cake


  • Bananas - 3

  • Caster Sugar - 200g

  • Double Cream (or Greek/natural yoghurt) - 56g

  • Milk - 100g

  • Eggs - 3 Medium

  • Olive Oil - 156g

  • Plain Flour - 220g

  • Baking Powder - 1 tsp

  • Baking Soda - 0.25 tsp

  • Mixed Spice - 1 tsp

  • Salt - 0.25 tsp


Banana Bread Step One - Lining the Tin

I like to make my banana cake in a normal sized loaf tin (but the quantities work equally well with an 8” round cake tin).

Oil the tin and place in the base a cut sheet of parchment (“baking”) paper.

Pre-heat the oven to 160°C (180°C for non-fan ovens).


Banana Bread Step Two - Flour to the People

Sieve together into one bowl the flour, baking powder, baking soda, mixed spice, and salt.


Banana Bread STEP Three - Banana Crush

Using the back of a fork crush the bananas and stir until you have a banana pulp


Banana Bread STEP Four - Banana Oil

In a separate bowl, stir together the milk, double cream (or yoghurt), and banana pulp, and sugar. The trick here is NOT to whip too much air into the wet mixture (the opposite of a normal cake) as for us the baking soda mixing with the cream will give us the rise.

Add in the eggs and oil and whisk (but only enough to combine - again we’re not trying to whisk too much air into the mix).


Banana Bread STEP Five - Bring it All Together

Pour about half the liquid mix into the flour, and stir until combined. Then add the remaining liquid and stir until the mixture is loosened to a cake batter consistency (it’s okay if there are still a few small lumps in there).

Pour the cake batter into the pre-lined tin and place in the over for c. 1 hour until it has risen, taken on some colour, and leaves a skewer placed through the middle clear of any batter.

Then remove from the oven and allow to start to cool.


Banana Bread STEP SIX - Banana Bread

Final Product.jpg

One it’s taken on some colour and the skewer comes out clean, remove from the over to slightly cool for 5 minutes.

Then run a knife gentry down the sides of the cake to loosen it form the tin and turn out to allow to cool completely.

And that’s it, hope you enjoy!