Looking for a fun weekend brunch cooking for anywhere from two to twenty-two people, this scrambled egg in a brioche bun with sriracha mayonnaise is your answer! It’s easy to make, can be; vegetarian, pescatarian, or for meat lover (just add smoked salmon or bacon). Looks amazing and tastes just as good. Also, if you’ve got some handy it’s a great finishing touch if you just wrap the finished product in some baking paper and tie up with a little twine, and voilà, the perfect brunch.

Easy Eggs

Prep Time: 5 Mins

Cook Time: 20 Mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 2


  • Brioche Buns - 2

  • Eggs - 8

  • Butter - a knob of

  • Cheddar - 2 slices

  • (Optional) Parsley - to serve

  • (Optional) Baking Paper & String - to wrap in

  • (Optional Variation) Add Bacon or Smoked Salmon

Sriracha Mayonnaise

  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp

  • Sriracha (or other hot sauce) - 1 tbsp, less if it’s a really hot sauce!


Easy Eggs Step One - Lay it all out

Pre-heat the oven to 160°C (180°C for non-fan ovens).

Slice the buns in half, chop the parsley, get the cheese out and ready, and if you’re using additional toppings get those ready too.

Mix together in a bowl the sriracha and mayonnaise.

If you’re going to wrap the burger in baking paper then cut long strips the width of the burger (and enough length to fully wrap it with a little overlap).


Easy Eggs Step Two - Time to Scramble

Whisk the eggs in a bowl with a fork / whisk, just enough to combine them. Add them to a cold pan with a large knob of butter. Place the pan on the hob and heat on low.

Place the brioche buns in the oven to warm through (keep an eye on them to make sure you remove them before they burn though)

For the eggs, using a spatula gently scrape across the bottom of the pan as the eggs slowly cook, folding the eggs on top of each other. keep doing this until they’re cooked through and look like scrambled eggs. remove from the heat.


Easy Eggs STEP Three - Easy Eggs

To assemble the easy eggs, dollop half the sriracha mayo on the bottom half of the brioche bun, then top with the scrambled eggs, a cheese slice, (and additional toppings you’ve chosen), parsley, seasoning, then the burger top.

If you’re wrapping them, this is the time, wrap each bun in a baking paper strip and secure with string.

And that’s in, hope you enjoy!