Mayonnaise Recipe

Once you’ve made this mayonnaise recipe yourself, you’ll never go back to the store-bought stuff! It’s also super easy to make, better for you, and amazingly versatile - you can mix it up with loads of different flavours or use as the base of a Caesar Salad dressing.

Prep Time: 20 Min

Cook Time: 0 Min

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 1 small jar


  • Egg Yolk - 1

  • Lemon Juice - 0.5 to 0.75 lemons

  • Salt - a pinch

  • Dijon Mustard - 1 tbsp

  • Grain Mustard - 1 tbsp

  • Garlic Paste - 1 tsp (or 1 clove crushed garlic)

  • Rapeseed Oil - 175ml


MAYONNAISE Step One - Set up a Base

Add the yolk, salt, mustards, garlic paste, and juice of half a lemon to a mixing bowl (stand mixer, blender with whisk attachment, or a bowl if you’re mixing it by hand).

Whisk the ingredients together.


Mayonnaise Step Two - Drip at a Time

This is the part is where you emulsify the egg yolks into a mayonnaise.

Like any emulsification, it can split whilst you’re making it, but it’s super easy not to, you just have to be patient.

If you have a squeeze bottle then put the oil in that, if not find a jug where you can easily control how quickly the oil pours.

Set the mixer on a medium speed, and at first add the oil a drop at a time, waiting a few seconds in between each drop. Then increase to a couple of drops at a time, then a bit more, and a bit more, and so on. The more oil is mixed in the more stable it gets and the more oil you can add at the same time.

If the mixture starts to clump or looks like it’s separating, add a few drops of lemon juice or water, wait a bit, then keep going.

Keep going until all the oil is added.


Mayonnaise STEP Three - Mayonnaise

Test the mayonnaise and add more lemon juice, salt, garlic, or mustard to suit your pallet.

Don’t leave out in the heat too long as it’s got fresh egg in, otherwise it should keep in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 4-5 days.

And that’s it, hope you enjoy!