Mushroom Carbonara Recipe

You’ll love this vegetarian take on the classic carbonara! It uses the classic cooking technique (adding an egg yolk in at the end to enrich the sauce) but is loaded with fun variations: packed with mushrooms, substitutes Parmesan for a sweeter cheese, and is sprinkled with the oniony-ness of fresh chives. In all honestly, I prefer this to the original non-vegetarian version.

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 20 mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 2


  • Pasta - 200g

  • Mushrooms - 200g

  • Butter - 25g

  • Onions - 1

  • Garlic- 1 to 2 tsp chopped

  • Mustard - 1 to 2 tsp

  • Cream - 150ml

  • Chives - 1 small bunch

  • Parsley - 4 to 5 sprigs

  • Lemon Juice - 0.5 Lemons

  • Cheese (Comte, Gruyere, Pecorino, or Manchego) - 50g

  • Egg Yolk - 1


Mushroom Cabonara Step One - Onions

Preheat the oven to 150°C  (302°F) for a fan oven.

Slice the onion and place the larger rings on a baking parchment, season and place in the oven for 30 minutes.

Continue with the following steps whilst the onions are cooking.


Mushroom Cabonara Step Two - Seared Mushrooms

After the onions have been cooking for 5 to 10 minutes, in a pan add the mushrooms, butter, and a little seasoning.

Cook over a medium - high heat until the mushrooms have browned.


Mushroom Cabonara Step Three - Pasta

Bring a pan of water to the boil (with a little salt in it) and start to cook the pasta in line with the packet instructions.


Mushroom Cabonara Step Four - Creamy Mushrooms

After the mushrooms have browned, turn down to a low heat.

Add the garlic (1 tsp to 2 tsp depending on your personal preference) and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Then pour the cream and mustard into the pan and continue to cook over a low heat until the pasta is cooked.

Whilst you’re waiting, grate the cheese and chop the chives and parsley.


Mushroom Cabonara Step Five - Cheesy

Once the pasta’s cooked but still al dente, pour it into a sieve to strain.

Whilst the pasta’s straining, add to the sauce the cheese, lemon juice, and most of the herbs (save some of the herbs for serving). Stir through until incorporated.


Mushroom Cabonara Step Six - You musT be Yolk-ing


Add the pasta back to the pan and stir through the sauce over a very low heat (add a little extra seasoning if required).

Whilst the pasta’s warm to touch, but not too hot, add the egg yolk and stir through (if the pasta’s too hot it’ll scramble the egg yolk…).


Mushroom Cabonara Step Seven - Mushroom Carbonara

Mushroom Carbonara.jpg

Remove the onions from the oven.

Serve the pasta and top with the onions, extra herbs, and more seasoning.

And that’s it, hope you enjoy!