White Bread Recipe

Easy to make luxury white bread recipe. This simple, classic white bread has a hint of luxury about it (using a little butter and milk). It doesn’t use too many ingredients and is hassle-free; anyone can make it! It’s got an amazing strong consistency, perfect for loading into a sandwich - or making the ultimate cheese on toast.

Prep Time: 3 hours

Cook Time: 40 mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 1 medium loaf


  • Plain flour - 400g

  • Dried yeast - 1 tsp

  • Caster or granulated sugar - 1 tbsp

  • Butter (room temperature) - 50g (plus a little extra for coating the loaf)

  • Milk (whole or semi-skimmed) - 120 ml

  • Water - 120 ml

  • Salt - 1 tbsp


White Bread Step One - Dry Mix

Place the flour, yeast, sugar, and 50g of the butter in a large bowl.

Note: if you’re using a mixer, then add these ingredients into the mixer’s bowl.


White Bread Step Two - Wet Mix

In a separate container stir together the salt, water, and milk.


White Bread STEP Three - Dough Balls

Pour the wet mix into the dry mix, then using a fork, stir until it’s combined into a ball. If, after you’ve been combining it for a couple of minutes, there’s still flour in the bowl which isn’t attaching to the main dough ball, then add a few extra drops of milk.

Note: if you’re using a mixer, use the dough hook attachments to combine the dough.


White BRead STEP Four - In Knead of Dough

If you’re using the mixer, this is the easy part for you. Using the dough hook attachments, knead on a low speed for about 15 minutes.

For those who fancy a workout, you’ll be kneading by hand (like me!). Put the dough on a lightly floured surface and using the heel of your hand, stretch the dough away from you, fold it back on top of itself, and repeat; then keep repeating... BBC Food has a good article on how to knead (BBC Food: Kneading).

Knead the dough for about 15 minutes until it goes slightly shiny - you’ll feel the dough’s resistance increase slightly as it approaches being done.


White Bread STEP Five - First Proof

Transfer the dough to a lightly floured bowl, seal with clingfilm and leave somewhere warm four about 60 - 90 minutes until it doubles in size.



White Bread STEP SIX - Getting in Shape

Step 6 - Shaping

Once the dough has proved, knock it back down whist it’s still in the bowl (using your fist, push down on the dough a couple of times to let the larger air bubbles escape and improve the dough’s consistency).

Transfer the dough to a flat surface and stretch into a flat rectangle (the longest edge of the rectangle will be the length of your loaf - about 30cm). Roll the rectangle up like a Swiss roll to give you a chunky baguette shape.

Place on a tray lined with greasproof paper and using a sharp knife, cut slits in the top of the loaf.

Cover with clingfilm and leave somewhere warm four about 60 minutes.


White BRead STEP Seven- Brushing up

Step 7 - Second Proof

Pre-heat the oven to 180°C for a fan oven (356°F).

After the bread’s proved again, remove the cling film.

In a pan (or microwave) melt a small knob of butter. Brush the loaf with the melted butter.

Bake the bread for around 40 minutes (you’ll know it’s done if it’s taken on colour, and when you tap the bottom it sounds hollow).


White BRead STEP Eight - White Bread

Step 8 - White Bread

Once baked, remove from the oven and allow to cool.

Keep in a sealed container or wrapped in clingfilm and it’ll last for up to a week.

And that’s it, hope you enjoy!